Are you tired of your same old crap getting in the way of you taking your life to the next level? Do you find yourself continually complaining about the same things? Do you want to improve but the same old habits and behaviors get in your way? 

Transformation can be difficult, however it is part of our evolution. We can witness it in nature all around us. For example, It is now Fall and the trees are changing colors and soon the leaves will fall to the ground. In the Spring, caterpillars change transition to liquid before transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Change can feel difficult however, in order for us to transition to the next level of our growth experience, it is necessary. 

The first step to elevating our life is identifying what needs to change, 

Step two: ask, “what is getting in the way of you being fully yourself?” Often it is a behavior or an emotion that is getting in our way.

Step three: reflect on the root of the issue. This can be challenging. Most of us don’t want to look at our core issues. However, by identifying this, you are shedding light on it, which then allows you to work with that part more deliberately as doing this begins to take the power away from that behavior over you. 

Step four: consider what behavior you will do instead, when this old habit / behavior arises. Then do it. 

So lets put these steps into practice. For this example I identify that when I get angry it causes the people that I care for and love to not want to be around me. This emotion is getting in the way of my relationships and I want to find another way to work with my emotions so I don’t scare the people I love away. 

What is the core issue of this deep seated anger? When I was a young child I was separated from my parents and didn’t understand why. I began acting out and bullying. It began to be a way to feel control. Over time it got the better of me and I lost control and just pushed people away so I wouldn’t continue to feel hurt and abandoned. 

I now understand where this behavior is stemming from, I can begin to come up with a plan to transform this old behavior into something new. For example, when I feel myself getting angry I will go for a walk to give myself time to cool down. Or I will take several deep breaths to allow myself to regain control. 

Now it is your turn. What do you want to transform in your life to help you elevate and level up? Once you begin this new practice, it will take some time and consistency. However, in the future you won’t be able to recognize your self. You will identify that  you are not being triggered the same way you were in the past. This is a great feeling. Especially when your friends and family notice the transformation and comment on it. 

Stay focused and committed to this new vision of yourself.

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