Do you feel pulled in every direction? Are you over committed? Is the laundry piled up and dishes in the sink? With all that you have on your plate, it is normal to feel like you are unable to get away, unplug, and take time for yourself.

Im here to say that you will have more to give, and the energy to do more as a result of giving yourself the time and space you need to take care of yourself. Sometimes, when I am going in too many directions, it can be difficult to pause and reflect on what self care means for me in the moment. What I have found is that I first need some space to consider how to best show up for me. Often this begins with brewing a cup of tea and sitting on my porch and listening to the wind chimes for a few moments. (Back in the day when I was a single mom working 60+ hours a week it would be locking myself in the bathroom.) Once I have found some space, I can take a few deep breaths, and ask my inner wisdom how I can best offer myself self-care. This can sometimes look like walking barefoot in the grass, taking a hot bath, or reading a book. Some days this can mean 15 minutes and other times, a few hours.

Steps you can take to get past the guilt and begin nurturing yourself:

1. Remind yourself that you are worthy to take time to yourself

2. Find a quiet space where you can connect with your heart and take several deep breaths

3. Ask your inner wisdom what it needs here and now to feel nourished and cared for

4. Gift yourself at least 15 minutes (or more) and set clear boundaries to those around you to not be disturbed

5. Be present and do at least one of the things your heart guided you towards

Feeling guilty when you are pulled in lots of directions is normal. When there is too much on our plate, It can be hard to remember to care for ourselves. I am here to say that if you don’t do it no one will. You deserve to take at least 15 minutes to yourself today to nourish yourself. Step one, for many is the most difficult part. Remind yourself that you ARE worthy! You deserve the time and space to connect with yourself. The most effective way I have found to do this is to take several deep breaths in a quiet space. (Even if it is the bathroom.) Step three can also feel a bit challenging at first. When I first began deliberately connecting with my hearts wisdom, I would place one hand on my heart and the other on my solar plexus when taking deep breaths. Using a “I AM” mantra can also help us connect to our heart wisdom. I AM worthy. I AM of loved. I AM enough.

Setting clear boundaries to those close to you can cause guilt. However, without setting these boundaries you are not protecting this important time to nourish yourself. Remember that by being clear on this you are also modeling for others how to ask for this. If we have little ones, we may feel like we can’t do this. When My girls were too young for me to step away for “me time”, I would be sure I put them to bed early enough that I could relax, unwind, and recharge. The chores could wait. Caring for me could not. Often I hear many say that it feels selfish to take time for themselves. If this is you, know that you deserve this precious time.

By following these steps you will feel more connected and grounded in your authenticity. As you nurture and care for yourself, you will find that you have more energy to show up and be even more present to those around you.

Share with me how it felt to give yourself “me time”. Did you feel resistance at first? If so, how did you overcome it? Were you able to connect with your inner wisdom? After doing the activity that your heart asked for, how did you feel?

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