Ready to kickstart your week with some positive energy? Join me as we explore the power of intention-setting and how it can transform your Mondays into a magical start!

Do you ever wake up on a Monday morning and grumble as you get out of bed dreading the week ahead? You are not alone. Most of us feel that way, especially at the beginning of the week as we are counting the days till the weekend. Starting our week with this mindset will only bring us more frustration. So let’s take a look at an alternative solution. Intention setting.

There is a power in setting an intention. By focusing on the quality of the day you would like to have, and then visualizing the best possible outcome, you will begin to notice that your vibration begins to raise. You may even feel excited to get started.

What is an intention anyway? Recently, at a festival I overheard a conversation of a mother and her son at a prayer tree. The son asked what a prayer is. Immediately my ears perked up as I was very curious about what she would say. “Something you want” She said. She went on to explain further to help him understand the depth of his question. However, this is the essence of an intention. It is very similar to a prayer.

Steps to follow when setting a intention.

Step one: Be clear on what you are looking for. Like having a purposeful week.

Step two: Visualize what this looks and feels like. After you get a distinct image in your mind, hold on to if for a few moments. Then begin to feel this image in your body. Does it bring you joy? Inspiration? Motivation?

Step three: Holding this vivid image while feeling it deep in your body, continue to focus on to this image and the feeling it brings while breathing into it. Take several deep breaths, and at the top of each breath, believe fully the possibilities of what this vision looks and feels like. On the out breath let it go and then do this again a few more times.

Take a few moments to follow these steps for yourself. One of my favorite routines is to visualize my week ahead Sunday evening before going to bed. Then when I wake up, I then visualize the day ahead. I repeat this every evening and morning as I am falling asleep and waking. After several years of doing this, I have found that my days are far more smoother and my attitude is 100% improved.

Give it a try, and share in the comments how intention setting is working for you.

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