Gemini Decan One

Gemini Decan One

Today is the first day of Gemini. Hello Mercury, you speedy winged trickster! Mercury is the ruler of my chart as he rules my ascendant. So, I hold a special place for Hermes. While I was doing my decan ritual, the thought occurred that it would be fun to do a blog about this. This isn’t a new thought, as I have been pondering doing a podcast for good while. This time was different. As not only did I have the thought, also the “how to” came to mind. Typically, I park my ideas for when the time is right. Or I think “maybe I will have time to do that later,” which rarely comes. Recently, I have had some fun playing around with posting short social media videos, which didn’t turn out horrible….but I feel a bit self conscious doing that. Mostly due to not wanting to take the time to go do my hair and throw on make-up for the purpose of a video. So today it occurred to me that I can do an audio blog. Almost as good as a video, without having to take the extra time to do myself up. A win – win situation!


Connecting to the Divine Through Play

The ways of the Divine are infinite. Everything is Spiritual. Everything has a Spirit. There are many names of the Divine. As well as many paths. As soon as we step out of our “head space” and into our “heart space”, we are connecting to the Divine within. When we open our eyes to the present within a heart open space we are consciously within this connective space.

Connecting to the Divine is done within this special space. Some of my favorite activities are dance, shamanic journey’s, drumming, and sacred art. I call this play. I greet this play with great respect and awe. Ancient Indian culture had a Sanskrit name for this, Leela. They felt that Divine play was important enough to give it a special name and attention. In this blog I will talk about my experiences of this Divine play.

Life hacks to Conscious Living

Leveling up in our everyday life can be a challenge. We want to make changes, but may not have a clue where to start or which direction to go. In this blog I will address a few of these issues. I will share a few of my favorite life hacks that I have stumbled across over the past several years that I have benefited from. I hope you find them useful.