Do you find yourself struggling with the transition from Summer to Fall? As the warmth fades and we edge closer to Winter, a part of me longs to stay in the golden embrace of Summer.

Here in the Midwest, the coolness of Fall sneaks in as Summer winds down, and the evenings bring a refreshing chill. The vibrant transformation of the leaves is always a beautiful sight. Yet, there’s still a part of me that wishes for endless beach days, more camping, and cozy bonfires. I imagine many of you feel the same.

Despite my nostalgia for Summer, what I do appreciate about Fall is the opportunity for a new beginning. In some ancient cultures, Fall marked the start of the annual cycle. Seeds fall to the ground, blanketed by leaves and soil, beginning their journey through the seasons once again—but this time with more wisdom. There’s a quiet beauty in this time of release and renewal.

As we move through this cycle, we carry with us the lessons we’ve learned. We’ve grown, and with that, we can plant our seeds with greater intention. The fruits of this intentionality will sprout come Spring.

Fall is also a time for simplifying and turning inward. The days grow shorter, and the Sun’s strength wanes. It’s a perfect time to reflect on what truly matters.

To make the most of this season, I encourage you to honor the rest your body craves. Go to bed a little earlier. Turn off distractions and take a moment to reflect on what you want to nurture in the coming months. What feels purposeful and meaningful to you? The only way to know is by listening to the quiet voice within.

Take some time to journal or record your reflections. The more space we give to introspection, the more clarity we gain about what’s ready to be birthed in our lives.

Say “no” to obligations that drain your energy. If your heart doesn’t light up at the thought of a request, it’s okay to decline. Of course, work can be demanding, but even there, if you can avoid overburdening yourself, do it for your well-being.

Essential oils can be a great tool to navigate this seasonal shift. With us now in Venus-ruled Libra season, I love using Rose oil. Guiacwood is also wonderfully grounding. If you need to restock, check out my store! For the Equinox, I’ve been diffusing a blend of Hinoki, Litsea, and Vetiver—three drops each—to uplift and help ease the transition into this new season.

I recently posted an Equinox video on my YouTube channel that you may enjoy. And if this blog resonates with you, I’d love to hear how you make the most of Fall’s energy. Please leave a comment and share your thoughts!